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Who am I ?

Hi, I'm Erwin Deproost and I'm the founder of Emagery. I've spent over 20 years developing different disciplines of this craft. I have worked in the creative, production and management side of visual content production. I recently started my own business and just love this job. Together with fantastic partnering companies I've produced tons of digital assets. My personal greatest "asset" is that I'm 100% result and client oriented. I will do anything possible to help you and achieve your business goals or content plans.

When I'm not working, I'm trying to be a good husband and father of 3 kids. In good weather and when time allows, I love to spend time outside hiking or biking. In bad weather I love watching artistic movies or trying some charcoal drawing.

Why do I believe consumers prefer imagery ... euh emagery

90% of info transmitted to the brain is visual

Our eyes can register 36.000 visual messages per hour

Visuals are processed 66.000 x faster than text

Myself: Testimonials
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